Featured Artist - Jimmy Chan

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Jimmy started his journey in photography back in 2017, with his very first professional DSLR camera, the Canon 750D. Back then, his main goal was to capture beautiful sceneries and landscapes as a hobby. Today, it has evolved into something more than just a hobby.

As he began embarking on more travels, his interest in photography grew upon the realisation that there is so much to learn and understand about people and cultures around the world. Every facial expression and emotion captured tells many stories.

In 2019, two years after his journey in photography, he was given sponsorship by Canon Singapore. This partnership opened him up to more opportunities with the launch of his first talk on street photography, attracting an audience of 200 people. He has since worked with other companies including Adobe, K11 Musea and Toys ‘R’ Us Singapore.

Jimmy aspires to make the transition in becoming a full-time travelling photographer. He hopes to spread the joy of photography, and contribute to photojournalism publications such as National Geographic in the near future.


Find out more about Jimmy’s exhibition here.

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